Serviços Contábeis

Oferecemos soluções contábeis completas para empresas, garantindo eficiência e conformidade fiscal.

Consultoria Fiscal

Apoio na gestão tributária, planejamento e otimização de impostos para sua empresa.

A young woman wearing glasses and a navy scarf stands in the foreground, holding textbooks labeled with accounting terms. She is dressed in a light blue uniform. In the background, a group of students are engaged in activities such as reading books and discussing among themselves, set against a brick building.
A young woman wearing glasses and a navy scarf stands in the foreground, holding textbooks labeled with accounting terms. She is dressed in a light blue uniform. In the background, a group of students are engaged in activities such as reading books and discussing among themselves, set against a brick building.
Contabilidade Geral

Serviços de contabilidade completa, incluindo balanços, demonstrações financeiras e relatórios gerenciais.

Assessoria Trabalhista

Consultoria em legislação trabalhista, folha de pagamento e gestão de recursos humanos.
A clipboard with a blank payments checklist is placed on a marble surface next to an open laptop and a white pen. The setup appears to be organized for financial planning or administrative work.
A clipboard with a blank payments checklist is placed on a marble surface next to an open laptop and a white pen. The setup appears to be organized for financial planning or administrative work.
Several overlapping posters with bold text in Vietnamese advertising financial services. Some numbers are highlighted in red, indicating contact information. The posters are worn and layered on a rough urban surface.
Several overlapping posters with bold text in Vietnamese advertising financial services. Some numbers are highlighted in red, indicating contact information. The posters are worn and layered on a rough urban surface.

Contabilidade Moderna

Oferecemos serviços contábeis personalizados para atender sua empresa.

A car service workshop with prominent signage advertising its specialization in automotive air conditioning. Several cars are parked in front, including a red SUV and a white sedan. The building has large signs in Indonesian and a blue banner with the text 'BENGKEL RESMI' and 'AGAM AC'.
A car service workshop with prominent signage advertising its specialization in automotive air conditioning. Several cars are parked in front, including a red SUV and a white sedan. The building has large signs in Indonesian and a blue banner with the text 'BENGKEL RESMI' and 'AGAM AC'.
Nossos Serviços

Na Franca & Araujo, oferecemos consultoria contábil, planejamento tributário e assessoria financeira para garantir a saúde fiscal do seu negócio.

A building with a prominent red and white sign labeled 'SERVICE' against a bright blue sky with some clouds. The structure has a modern, industrial appearance with sleek lines and a clean design. A light fixture is visible on the wall.
A building with a prominent red and white sign labeled 'SERVICE' against a bright blue sky with some clouds. The structure has a modern, industrial appearance with sleek lines and a clean design. A light fixture is visible on the wall.
Contato Rápido

Entre em contato pelo telefone ou e-mail para mais informações sobre nossos serviços e como podemos ajudar sua empresa a crescer.

A Franca & Araujo Contadores sempre superou minhas expectativas com seu atendimento e profissionalismo excepcionais.

José Edson

A rustic stone building with a sign advertising services such as masseur and midwife. The building has weathered stone walls and a tin roof overhang. Yellow and black signs next to the entrance list various other services.
A rustic stone building with a sign advertising services such as masseur and midwife. The building has weathered stone walls and a tin roof overhang. Yellow and black signs next to the entrance list various other services.
A neon sign with both English and Chinese characters illuminates against a dark background. The sign advertises a travel agency with services such as visa, tour, and ticket assistance. The surrounding area is dimly lit, with faint reflections visible.
A neon sign with both English and Chinese characters illuminates against a dark background. The sign advertises a travel agency with services such as visa, tour, and ticket assistance. The surrounding area is dimly lit, with faint reflections visible.
